Northwoods Health Centre takes the health and safety of our patients, staff and practitioners very seriously. We have put many protocols in place to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 infection.

We are cleaning and disinfecting our space rigorously, screening our staff and practitioners and patients daily and doing everything we can to keep you and us safe.
When calling to booking an appointment, you will be screened for COVID-19.
We are not allowing anyone to book appointments or attend the clinic who are exhibiting any possible signs of COVID-19 infection, so if you are experiencing coughing, sneezing, have a stuffy or runny nose, chest pain, sore throat, loss of smell and/or taste, headache, chills, fever, shortness of breath, or tight chest, we will not be able to see you at this time.
We are not allowing anyone to book who has been outside of Northwestern Ontario in the last 14 days or been in contact with someone who has been outside of Northwestern Ontario in the last 14 days. We are not allowing anyone to book who has been in contact with someone in the last 14 days who has had the above symptoms or have a confirmed\active case of COVID-19 infection.

When arriving at the clinic for your visit you will greeted by staff and they will indicate when it’s appropriate to enter the clinic.
Staff will provide you with hand sanitizer upon arrival.
You must read and sign a consent form confirming our screening questions.
NO COMPANIONS are allowed in the building at the time of your appointment unless they are essential to your care or the patient is a minor then a parent/guardian is welcome to accompany the patient.
Please only bring in items that are necessary for your treatment. Please leave extra bags, jackets etc. in your vehicle.
We can only see one patient in a treatment room at any given time.
Paper receipts will be minimized where possible, email receipts are preferred.
Patients are asked to avoid touching any handles, switches etc. that a staff member or practitioner can touch for them.

We ask everyone to stay 6 feet or more away from anyone else whenever possible, we have installed overhead and floor signs, and arranged seating to help with this.
We ask patients to wear a mask if they have one (disposable or cloth masks are both permissible) Ear-loop masks are available for $2 if you would like one.
Your health care provider is required to wear a surgical mask when treating patients within a physical distance of two metres.

Please avoid touching your face and practice respiratory etiquette by coughing or sneezing into your elbow or covering coughs and sneezes with a facial tissue.
You must comply with our infection control procedures while at the clinic or you will be asked to leave.
If there is paperwork that is needed to be filled out prior to your visit please visit our website and select the appropriate paperwork for your needs. If it is not available on the website, we can email it to you.
Patients are encouraged to use credit card or debit cards with "TAP" for payment wherever possible.
We are required by the College of Chiropractors to keep a Register for Contact Tracing. This means that a register of all people entering our space will be kept in case contact tracing is required.

Thank you.
We look forward to seeing you and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work together to practice safe and appropriate practices and continueto provide you with the high quality health care you are used to here at Northwoods Health Centre.